Tuesday, April 24, 2007

For Guys Only!!!


Who was your favorite superhero when you were growing up? For me it was no contest, it had to be Spider-man. Don't get me wrong, Superman and Batman were cool, but they paled in comparison to Spidy. To be able to shoot webbing out of your wrists and swing from building to building; common who doesn't dig that.

However, times have changed and I'm no longer 8 years old. Today I have a new superhero. One that is far superior to spider-man. No, she can't shoot webbing out of her wrists or climb buildings with her sticky fingers. As a matter of fact she doesn't even have a fancy uniform or name. Instead, she answers to the common names of Honey, Sweetheart, and Wife. And for me she's all the superhero I need.

Tonight I was reminded of that as I watched her drive away to go grocery shopping, Just one of many superhero powers she posseses. And as she left, I realized how lucky I am to have such a wonderful loving wife who always puts her family first and self last. A wife who is truly my better half, my confidante and my soul mate. Yet over and over I take her for granted by not showing her how much I appreciate her and love her.

My wife has one of the most difficult and thankless jobs in the whole world as a stay at home mom, yet everyday she gladly gets up (ok sometimes not so glad) and takes care of the families needs. Whether it be cleaning a mess around the house, Driving the kids around from place to place or just kissing a simple boo boo, she's always there. Tell me what's not superheroish about that.

So here's my question gentlemen - when was the last time you told your wife you love her? When was the last time you made her feel special? When was the last time you gave her a back rub without wanting something in return? When was the last time you treated her like the superhero she is. Just something to think about!!!

Scott Out!!!!

What's Your Mind Set

Have you ever thought about your mindset? Yeah, me neither until today! This was the question Kevin asked us this morning at our weekly family life staff meeting. What I found out is that most of us have either a fixed mindset or a growth mind set when it comes to how we view our mental development. Allow me to explain.....

A fixed mindset is one that creates an urgency to always prove yourself over and over to others. Most people who have this kind of mindset believe that if they only have a certain amount of intelligence, a certain personality, and a certain moral character-well, they better prove it to the world over and over! Often, people with this mind set spend the majority of their time trying to convince others that they are holding a royal flush when secretly they are afraid they may only have a pair of tens. This mind set believes that you have to play with the cards that you are dealt.

On the other hand, a growth mind set is quite different. The people who possess this type of mind set find themselves believing that they can change the cards they're playing with. They often feel that anyone can change certain qualities about themselves if they try hard enough. Yes, everyone is different, but everyone can change and grow through hard work and time.

So my questions to you today is this: What type of mindset do you have? Do you have a mind set that is telling you that every single day you have to try to prove yourself over and over to hide who you really are; or are you a person who believes in overcoming obstacles by working at them instead of running away form them. Do you choose to work at over coming deficiencies or do you choose to hide deficiencies?

I share this with you today because I had a startling realization that in many things in my life I have a fixed mind set. And in some things fixed mind sets are fine, for me it's the things I know I'm good at. However, too many times, in the areas that I'm weak, I find myself with that same mind set. I find myself trying to hide my weaknesses instead of trying to overcome them. I try to be someone I'm not. And I'm willing to bet that in most cases the only person I'm fooling is me.

So what's your story? Which mind set are you? Just remember this; the view you choose to adopt for yourself will profoundly affect the way you lead your life and the way you lead others. Scary isn't it?

Scott Out!!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Choosing Wisely

Can you believe it, I'm actually writing a new blog. I want to take this time to apologize to all my faithful subscribers out there who have been on pins and needles waiting for my next blog. In the words of a company I better not mention, "This blogs for you!"

Recently I've noticed how much my 10 year old son is changing. He's learning how to communicate better with mom and dad, he's becoming more concerned about his personal hygiene, and he's starting to get phone calls from the girls in his school. His journey to become a teenager is getting closer and closer and I'll be honest, I'm not sure I'm ready for it yet. I know what you're thinking, if anyone should be ready for this journey it should be me, right? After all, I'm the guy who works with teenagers everyday.

Well, you're wrong! I'm scared to death. Not that I have to deal with the changes he's going through but the choices he's making along the way. Every time a teachable moment presents itself I share with him how important it is to make the wise choice. I explain to him that it's not always about what's right or wrong, but what is wise. I want him to understand that the choices he makes today will define who he is tomorrow.

That holds true for you and I too doesn't it? When you think about it very few of the 100's of choices you and I make in a day deal with right or wrong. Most of them deal with what is the best thing for us to do based on our hurts, habits, and hang-ups. In other words, what is the wise thing to do at that moment. To many times we think decisions are black and white, when in reality there is a lot of gray. That's why I think it's important that we learn the art of guarding our thoughts, for they become our words. We need to learn how to choose our words, for they become our actions. We need to understand our actions, for they become our habits. We need to study our habits, for they become our character. And we need to develop our character, for it becomes our destiny.

That's why I encourage you to seize your destiny! Make decisions that draw you closer to God, and remember to guard your thoughts because every decision is built on a thought. Make choices today that you can live with tomorrow.



Monday, March 12, 2007

Volunteer Appreciation Night

Wow, was Friday night fun or what? Tim Hawkins was so funny and quick witted. I had the privilege of running one of the cameras for the evening and it was all I could do to keep the camera still. I did my best to tune Tim out when my camera was live but a couple of times I couldn't help it, he was just too funny. If you didn't get a chance to be here Friday to see Tim in action go look him up on the web, you won't be disappointed.

I also want to give a big shout out to all of the volunteers in student ministries. It was great to see so many of you there Friday night. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedules to come and celebrate with us. Again, we simply couldn't do ministry without you. The staff might be the people behind the wheel of the car, but you guys are the engine that makes the car go. Thanks so much for being difference makers.

Scott Out

Thursday, March 8, 2007

CRAZY WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well my first week without Renee is over and all I can say is help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Monday I told myself I wasn't going to call her, yeah right that lasted all of about 2 hours. I think I called her 4 times that day. And when I wasn't calling her I was curled up in the corner of my office in the fetal position sucking my thumb. I've got some serious learning to do on the administration end of my job. Renee come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a good note, Scott Spencer started this week. I've really enjoyed hearing is heart for God and his passion for students. I'm so excited to have another person helping out with our students. Spence is a neat guy with tons of vision and excitement just oozing out of him.

I'm really excited about him taking over the programming aspect of student ministries. I think he's going to take it to levels we've never experienced. In turn this allows me to concentrate on what I love.....small groups and sports ministry. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me in this new position. All I can say is watch out world the Scott and Scott show is about to begin and we've got one objective, to get CRAZY for God and to be used in any way He sees fit.

Scott Out

Friday, March 2, 2007


Well, it's official Renee is gone. I can't believe this was her last day! Anyone, who knows anyone, realizes that Renee was the life blood of fl!pt student ministries. She was so good at what she did. I cant even begin to tell you how many times she's saved my bacon or made me and the church look great. She will be greatly missed by everyone!!!!!!!!

With that said, I wish her the best on her new adventure....a stay at home mother. Nothing is more challenging and rewarding then staying at home raising a family, my wife is testament of that!!!!! Here's looking at you Renee. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to student ministries and thank you for making me a better person! I wish you and Bob the best as you get ready to embrace God's greatest miracles....Children!!!!!

Scott Out

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Cavs Game

Last night I went up to the Cavs game with Dwight, Chad and Doug and man was it a good time. First, we went to Hog Heaven and ate 8 dozen wings. You should have seen the look on the waitresses face when we finished the last one. She came up to us afterwards and told us she had her doubts if we could do it. Comon 4 strapping young lads like us, not a problem.

After the wings we headed up to the game where Lebron took over in the last 2 minutes. It was your typical game up to that point, with lots of pointless fouls and traveling calls, but in the end it was the Lebron James show. He hit 3 three pointers in the last 2 minutes that seemed like they where from a whole different zip code. Wow! He is truly a man among boys when it comes to handling the rock!

Anyway, last night was a blast. It was just so good to get out with a bunch of guys and have fun. It's been awhile since I've had a chance to that. Have a great day ya all.

Scott Out